يعطي ارتفاع المقعد المناسب للطفل على طاولة الطعام. يوصى به للأعمار من 3 سنوات. مصمم ايكيا السويد
Brand: IKEA
The raised edges prevent spills from landing on the floor. We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. Fits ANTILOP highchair. Designer IKEA of Sweden
Brand: IKEA
مع الغطاء على وسادة دعم انتيلوب القابلة للنفخ (تباع بشكل منفصل) ، يتمتع طفلك بدعم ناعم يساعده على الجلوس بثبات وبشكل مريح على طاولة الطعام. يتكون الغطاء من 100٪ بوليستر ، خامة متينة تم اختبارها واعتمادها وخالية من المواد الضارة والمواد المضافة. سهلة التنظيف ؛ غسيل آلي ساخن (60 درجة مئوية). يسهل حمله معك نظرًا لأن الغطاء يصبح صغيرًا مثل كتاب الغلاف الورقي عند طيه. يجلس بثبات في مكانه إذا قمت بربط حزام الأمان الخاص بمقعد الطفل من خلال فتحات الغطاء (يتطلب ذلك أن تكمله بوسادة المقعد). تُباع الوسادة الداعمة بشكل منفصل. مصمم S Edholm / L Ullenius
Brand: IKEA
يسهل المقعد المرتفع على الأطفال الصغار الجلوس على طاولة واحدة مثل البالغين ، مما يساعدهم على تطوير المهارات الاجتماعية وتناول الطعام. يمكنك نزع الدرج لسهولة التنظيف. نحن نعلم أن بشرة الأطفال حساسة للغاية ، ولكن لا داعي للقلق. تم اختبار هذا المنتج والموافقة عليه وخالي تمامًا من المواد التي قد تضر بشرة طفلك أو صحته. يتوافق مع EN 14988: 2017 ، وهو مطلب حددته اللجنة الأوروبية للتوحيد القياسي ، اللجنة الأوروبية للتطبيع (CEN). هذا المنتج مخصص للأطفال القادرين على الجلوس دون مساعدة وحتى 3 سنوات أو بحد أقصى للوزن يبلغ 15 كجم. حزام الأمان متضمن. مصمم تينا كريستنسن
Brand: IKEA
سيبدو المقعد السهل طازجًا ويدوم لفترة أطول ، حيث أن البلاستيك مقاوم للبهتان ومستقر للأشعة فوق البنفسجية لمنع التشقق والجفاف. يمكن تكديسها ، مما يساعدك على توفير المساحة. فتحة التصريف في المقعد تسمح بتصريف المياه. سهل إبقائها نظيفة: امسحها بقطعة قماش رطبة. يوصى به للأعمار من 2-6 سنوات. يتناسب بشكل جيد مع المقعد السهل IKEA PS VÅGÖ. مصمم توماس سانديل
Brand: IKEA
يأتي مع درجين لمساحة تخزين واسعة. تحتوي المقابض القاطعة على قاعدة بلاستيكية شفافة ، بحيث تحافظ على الغبار والأوساخ ولكنها لا تزال تعطي لمحة عن ما بداخلها. توقف الدرج ؛ يمنع سحب الأدراج بالكامل وسقوطها. تحذير! خطر الإنقلاب - يمكن أن ينقلب الأثاث غير المثبت. يجب تثبيت هذا الأثاث على الحائط باستخدام تركيبات الأمان المرفقة لمنع انقلابه. تتطلب مواد الحائط المختلفة أنواعًا مختلفة من أجهزة التثبيت. استخدم أجهزة تثبيت مناسبة للحوائط في منزلك ، تباع منفصلة. مصمم Carl Öjerstam
Brand: IKEA
قابلة للتمديد ، بحيث يمكن سحبها للخارج مع نمو طفلك. توفر الشرائح الخشبية الصلبة دعمًا قويًا لوضع الجسم. قاعدة السرير متضمنة. تُباع المرتبة وبياضات السرير بشكل منفصل. لتجنب خطر التعرض لإصابة خطيرة ، يجب أن تكون المسافة بين السرير والجدار دائمًا أقل من 65 ملم أو أكثر من 230 ملم. الحمل الأقصى يشير إلى الوزن الثابت ، بمعنى الحمل الذي يتحمله السرير إذا استلقيت أو جلست عليه. مصمم Carl Öjerstam
Brand: IKEA
يمكنك تعديل ارتفاع سكة تعليق الملابس والرفوف مع نمو طفلك. المثبط المدمج يجعل الأبواب تغلق ببطء وهدوء ونعومة. تحتوي المقابض القاطعة على قاعدة بلاستيكية شفافة ، بحيث تحافظ على الغبار والأوساخ ولكنها لا تزال تعطي لمحة عن ما بداخلها. تحتوي خزانة الملابس هذه على حواف مستديرة ناعمة وتركيبات مخفية. عميقة بما يكفي لحمل الشماعات ذات الحجم القياسي. تحذير! خطر الإنقلاب - يمكن أن ينقلب الأثاث غير المثبت. يجب تثبيت هذا الأثاث على الحائط باستخدام تركيبات الأمان المرفقة لمنع انقلابه. تتطلب مواد الحائط المختلفة أنواعًا مختلفة من أجهزة التثبيت. استخدم أجهزة تثبيت مناسبة للحوائط في منزلك ، تباع منفصلة. يتضمن رفين قابلين للتعديل وسكة تعليق ملابس ؛ سهل...
Brand: IKEA
يمكنك تعديل ارتفاع سكة تعليق الملابس والرفوف مع نمو طفلك. المثبط المدمج يجعل الأبواب تغلق ببطء وهدوء ونعومة. تحتوي المقابض القاطعة على قاعدة بلاستيكية شفافة ، بحيث تحافظ على الغبار والأوساخ ولكنها لا تزال تعطي لمحة عن ما بداخلها. تحتوي خزانة الملابس هذه على حواف مستديرة ناعمة وتركيبات مخفية. عميقة بما يكفي لحمل الشماعات ذات الحجم القياسي. تحذير! خطر الإنقلاب - يمكن أن ينقلب الأثاث غير المثبت. يجب تثبيت هذا الأثاث على الحائط باستخدام تركيبات الأمان المرفقة لمنع انقلابه. تتطلب مواد الحائط المختلفة أنواعًا مختلفة من أجهزة التثبيت. استخدم أجهزة تثبيت مناسبة للحوائط في منزلك ، تباع منفصلة. يتضمن رفين قابلين للتعديل وسكة تعليق ملابس ؛ سهل...
Brand: IKEA
يمكنك تعديل ارتفاع سكة تعليق الملابس والرفوف مع نمو طفلك. المثبط المدمج يجعل الأبواب تغلق ببطء وهدوء ونعومة. تحتوي المقابض القاطعة على قاعدة بلاستيكية شفافة ، بحيث تحافظ على الغبار والأوساخ ولكنها لا تزال تعطي لمحة عن ما بداخلها. تحتوي خزانة الملابس هذه على حواف مستديرة ناعمة وتركيبات مخفية. عميقة بما يكفي لحمل الشماعات ذات الحجم القياسي. تحذير! خطر الإنقلاب - يمكن أن ينقلب الأثاث غير المثبت. يجب تثبيت هذا الأثاث على الحائط باستخدام تركيبات الأمان المرفقة لمنع انقلابه. تتطلب مواد الحائط المختلفة أنواعًا مختلفة من أجهزة التثبيت. استخدم أجهزة تثبيت مناسبة للحوائط في منزلك ، تباع منفصلة. يتضمن رفين قابلين للتعديل وسكة تعليق ملابس ؛ سهل...
Brand: IKEA
المادة الموجودة في هذا المنتج يمكن اعادة تصنيعها. يرجى التحقق من قواعد إعادة التدوير في مجتمعك والتحقق من وجود مرافق إعادة التدوير في منطقتك. بلاستيك أكريليك
Brand: IKEA
يشجع اللعب الخيالي. يوصى به للأعمار من 18 شهرًا. هذا المنتج يحمل علامة المطابقة الأوروبية (CE). مصمم ايكيا السويد
Brand: IKEA
سهل التخزين؛ موفر للمساحة في حالة عدم الاستخدام. مصمم ماريا فينكا
Brand: IKEA
The toy storage with wheels makes it easy for your child to collect and move toys from one room to another. The durable plastic wheels roll softly and smoothly across the floor. WARNING! This toy has no brake. Recommended for ages from 3 years. Combines with other products in the FLISAT series. This product bears the CE mark. Designer S Fager/J Karlsson
Brand: IKEA
Made of solid wood. Easy to assemble without tools or screws. Designer S Fager/J Karlsson
Brand: IKEA
The bench can be used as a seat for several years since it has three height settings. The bench has three heights: 32, 39 or 45 cm. Combines with other products in the FLISAT series. Designer Sarah Fager
With the included colourful stickers, you can quickly label drawers and cabinets in your own personal way. You can also write with chalk on the sticker to keep track of where you have your things. Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Contains: 2 doors, 2 knobs and 1 sheet with 10 round stickers (2 blue, 2 orange, 2 green, 2 yellow and 2 pink). Designer Ebba Strandmark
With the included colourful stickers, you can quickly label drawers and cabinets in your own personal way. You can also write with chalk on the sticker to keep track of where you have your things. Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Contains: 2 doors, 2 knobs and 1 sheet with 10 round stickers (2 blue, 2 orange, 2 green, 2 yellow and 2 pink). Designer Ebba Strandmark
With the included colourful stickers, you can quickly label drawers and cabinets in your own personal way. You can also write with chalk on the sticker to keep track of where you have your things. Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Contains: 2 doors, 2 knobs and 1 sheet with 10 round stickers (2 blue, 2 orange, 2 green, 2 yellow and 2 pink). Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Choose doors, drawers and boxes to protect your things and make the storage more decorative. Since all fronts have integrated, pre-mounted handles, there are no holes where dust bunnies can get in. The doors have soft-closing hinges which make them close softly and quietly – even after a heated argument. Soft closing hinges included. Fits with STUVA frames. Designer Ebba Strandmark
Brand: IKEA
The cot base can be placed at two different heights. One cot side can be removed when the child is big enough to climb into/out of the cot. Your baby will sleep both safely and comfortably as the durable materials in the cot base have been tested to ensure they give their body the support it needs. The cot base is well ventilated for good air circulation which gives your child a pleasant sleeping climate. Mattress and bedlinen are sold separately. Conversion kit included. Complies with European standard EN 716-1....
Brand: IKEA
Made of solid wood, which is a hardwearing and warm natural material. Designer IKEA of Sweden
Brand: IKEA
Made of solid wood, which is a hardwearing and warm natural material. Designer IKEA of Sweden
Brand: IKEA
Turns a bench into soft, comfortable seating and fits perfectly STUVA bench. Easy to remove the cover for washing since it has a zipper. The polyester filling keeps its shape and provides soft support for your child’s body. Stays firmly in place because it has an anti-slip surface on the underside. Designer Malin Unnborn
Brand: IKEA
Gives the right seat height for the child at the dining table. Recommended for ages from 3 years. Designer Carina Bengs
You sit comfortably since the chair is adjustable in height. The safety castors have a pressure-sensitive brake mechanism that keeps the chair in place when you stand up, and releases automatically when you sit down. This product has been developed and tested for domestic use. Recommended for ages 4-12 years. May be completed with KOLON floor protector. The castors are designed for soft floors. Designer Nicholai Wiig Hansen
Brand: IKEA
A soft bib that your child can wear comfortably for many years, thanks to the adjustable neck, practical hook-and-loop fastening and long sleeves with elastic. The front pocket catches all spills and is easy to clean, either with a quick rinse or by washing it in the machine. Keeps messes and moisture from the child's clothes since it’s made of polyester with synthetic rubber. Just as practical for meals as when it's time to play, paint, do crafts or bake. Made of safe materials and contains no substances, PVC or phthalates which can harm your child's skin or health....
Brand: IKEA
Your child can create their own small world under this tent. A calm nook where they can feel cosy, read and play without being disturbed ? and fall asleep snug. The wild animals protect against both rowdy siblings and scary dreams. Imagine having your own jungle hut! A safe place with an openable door and a window where your child can peek out and see what's going on. The bed tent is made of 100% polyester ? a lightweight, airy and durable material that withstands tough jungle adventures. Tested and contains no substances, phthalates or chemicals that can harm your child's skin or health....
Brand: IKEA
Fits the bed both in a low and a high position. Attaching the bed tent to the bed is quick and easy, but maybe not done right before bedtime. The tent is easy-care – you just wipe off dust and stains with a damp cloth. The bed tent is open on the short sides, but absorbs bright sunlight and light from surrounding lamps. Tested and contains no substances, phthalates or chemicals that can harm your child's skin or health. Fits KURA reversible bed only. Fits KURA bed 90x200 cm. Recommended for ages from 3...
Brand: IKEA
Fits the bed both in a low and a high position. Attaching the bed tent to the bed is quick and easy, but maybe not done right before bedtime. The tent is easy-care – you just wipe off dust and stains with a damp cloth. The bed tent is open on the short sides, but absorbs bright sunlight and light from surrounding lamps. Tested and contains no substances, phthalates or chemicals that can harm your child's skin or health. Fits KURA reversible bed only. Fits KURA bed 90x200 cm. Recommended for ages from 3...
Brand: IKEA
We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. A highchair makes it easier for small children to sit at the same table as adults, which helps them develop social and eating skills. The included safety belt has been designed so it won’t pinch children when securing them in the highchair, and it has a release button which makes it easy for you – and not your child – to unlock the safety belt with 1 hand. You can easily remove the highchair seat shell to...
Brand: IKEA
The included safety belt has been designed so it won’t pinch children when securing them in the highchair, and it has a release button which makes it easy for you – and not your child – to unlock the safety belt with 1 hand. We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. The smooth surface has no nooks and corners which are difficult to reach, which makes the chair easy to clean. For extra comfort, add LANGUR padded seat cover....
Brand: IKEA
We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. The raised edges prevent spills from landing on the floor. The smooth surface has no nooks and corners which are difficult to reach, which makes the chair easy to clean. Designer J Fritzdorf/J Feldman/J Hedberg
Brand: IKEA
The padded material relieves pressure on the child’s body and is soft and comfortable to sit on and lean against. The cover is machine washable and easy to put on and take off. We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. Fits LANGUR high chair. Recommended for ages 0-3 years. Designer Chenyi Ke
Brand: IKEA
We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. A highchair makes it easier for small children to sit at the same table as adults, which helps them develop social and eating skills. The included safety belt has been designed so it won’t pinch children when securing them in the highchair, and it has a release button which makes it easy for you – and not your child – to unlock the safety belt with 1 hand. Place the meal on the tray within easy reach of...
Brand: IKEA
The padded material relieves pressure on the child’s body and is soft and comfortable to sit on and lean against. The cover is machine washable and easy to put on and take off. We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. Fits LANGUR junior chair. Designer Chenyi Ke
Brand: IKEA
We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. A highchair makes it easier for small children to sit at the same table as adults, which helps them develop social and eating skills. The included safety belt has been designed so it won’t pinch children when securing them in the highchair, and it has a release button which makes it easy for you – and not your child – to unlock the safety belt with 1 hand. You can easily remove the highchair seat shell to...
We know that children's skin is extra sensitive, but not to worry. This product has been tested, approved and is completely free from substances that may harm your child's skin or health. The junior chair’s height is perfect so that your child is able to sit at the dining table – meaning everyone can enjoy mealtimes together. Two footrests help the child to easily climb up and down from the junior chair, giving them more independence. The wide L-shaped frame creates a more open space around the chair and makes it stable, so that it doesn’t tip when the child climbs up to sit or climbs down...
Brand: IKEA
Its small dimensions make it especially suitable for small rooms or spaces. Designer IKEA of Sweden
Brand: IKEA
The polyester in the fabric is made of recycled PET-bottles, therefore reducing consumption of new raw and lowering the footprint on the environment. IKEA has banned the use of chlorine bleaching agents in the production of textiles and paper products due to the negative impact on the environment. IKEA has strict requirements for the use of phthalates in all our products, and we have totally banned them in children’s and food-contact products. Since 1996 IKEA has banned harmful dyestuffs, e.g. azo dyes, in textile and leather production. Fabric: 100% polyester (min. 90% recycled) Rod cover: Polyethylene plastic
Brand: IKEA
Basematerial: Birch plywood Board/ Handle: Solid birch Locking lever: Solid birch, Acrylic paint, Clear acrylic lacquer Lid: Acrylic plastic
Brand: IKEA
Board part: Birch plywood Ladder: Polyethylene plastic